Thursday, June 20, 2013

A kind act.

Sometimes I think I am not doing a good enough job as a mother. I know I have faults.( I am not meaning homeschool either- I know everyday more that it has been and is a good decision.) But sometimes there are signs that the things you hope for your children and the character that you wish for them to grow in, is coming to be part of their lives. Homeschool for us, has been taking those things we desire for our children to know and who we want them to be, and making them a priority. Things such as love of family, selflessness, and faith are put first and start to grow.
I am saying all this because right now my son is spending his birthday money, taking his dad for a Father's day lunch. At first I thought to not let him as I knew he would have to spend a lot- probably all of it, and should save it for himself. But then I caught myself. Why shouldn't he? We encourage selflessness and love of family around here. Discouraging him to spend it on Dad would be contrary to that in essence- it would be saying that to put himself first is more important. I am moved by this simple act as it shines a little light that something must be working. We are watering the right places and they are growing. Yay!