Friday, December 20, 2013

Gemma's story.

The task was to elaborate. Gemma was given these two sentences: Pat built a house. The house collapsed. Here she is retelling the story that she created....


Aiden's Big Nate Talks.

Aiden loves to read and got a set of three chapter books for a gift from Finn. He read them all for fun while we had a break with the baby. Mom introduced him to a little bit about book reports:

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Of course there shall be Christmas crafts.

The kids making ornaments for the tree.

Painted angels. 

Stringing jingle bells. 




A quick show of some of Gemma's work too....

A drawing by Gemma. 

I love how Gem always draws her people with differing details. 

People- A book about diversity of all kinds, from jobs, to religion, to homes, etc.

I don`t know why these pics have turned sideways on me, but here is some Get Ready for the Code. 

letter recognition. 

Handwriting Without Tears is great! Here are Gemma`s Gs. 




Gemma`s Sonlight copywork. 

Science. Birds. 


Some quick samples of Aiden's work this winter month....

Reading from the New Testament. 

-alk, -all work in Explode the Code workbook. 

-ed endings.

Math-U-See Unit 14

Math test 17/18

 The first page of the test with the correction.

Science: birds. 

Sonlight Science worksheets...


Spelling test 13: 10/10

Aiden got 10/10 on his pretest too :) 

A short story. 


People- a book about diversity. 

Socials- Map Book. The Prairies.

BC. He has to find and recognize the province, capital city, and body of water in each of these assignments. 

The Groove

We are now a family of six. Four little oaks.... learning, bending, kicking, growing. We named him Finn Benjamin Alexander Lokstet. Finn means fair and bright and wise.