Tuesday, January 29, 2013


What have we been up to? Here's a little catch up....

English worksheets

Aiden made his own Coat of Arms in Social Studies.
(There is a bike, love, a crown, a self-designed Canadian family flag, and a person.)

Painting jars and adding sparkles. 

Painting canvas with primary colors. Keiran's is on the far left and Gemma's is the middle one.
Aiden's is on the far right and is a scene with a red tree, yellow grass and a blue sky. 

Dental health :) 

Some pretty slack answers. 

Aiden is learning about tallying in Math.

Some books that Aiden has been reading. 

Rubbings of money for our Socials lesson. 

Gemma drew a portrait of mom. Haha. 

More science that overlaps with health! Nutrition...

Our new family photo wall, complete with encouraging words and a "grateful" board for writing "I love yous" and "Thank-yous." 


Mom learned how to paint a bird.

Gemma started bus driving ;) 

There's Uncle D getting a lift!

Walking our beautiful lake path. 

The Pond Hockey rinks were ready for the big tournament. 

Aiden reading a library book to his brother and sister. 

He likes to tell people that he lost his teeth in a hockey fight, but we know that he is just getting bigger!!

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