Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We have reached the part of homeschool where it is time to for mom to let go of her formed mindset on school. I have already done this in many ways but it is about to get different. When we reached the end of our grade one english program early in this year, we picked up another grade one program that was a step above and it worked out great. This allowed me to keep my brain organized within the school year. My son has been done math now for quite some time too and for the sake of not leaving it so long that he forgets it all, we are going to pull out the next level. I had already decided that I was not going to hold them back from learning and therefore keep them in a box. The only stop in my brain is that of what if they ever go into school years from now and they are so far ahead that they are bored and it messes them up. Now that is an absurd statement if you think about it, and I have talked with my homeschool mom friends about this before. Why should we keep our kids dumb, in essence, so that they stay with the norm. Isn`t this why we homeschool in part, to let their learning thrive and for them to work at their level of abilities. Anyways, I just had to let that resonate out loud. We are ready to just learn and not see grades anymore. Of course they will be registered within a grade on paper, but I need to trust that God knew what He was doing when drawing us to this plan and I will not succumb to these `what ifs.` What if my child is allowed to thrive endlessly. I will think on that for awhile.  

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