Sunday, May 20, 2018

Science and Butterflies

Lokstet Science
Aiden, Gemma, and Keiran have been enjoying our new Apologia science this year.  Lately we have been learning about terrifying sharks. The living text is full and the kids can remember lots of facts about each sea animal, as well as have fun with the workbook pages. We also are still collecting each creature as we learn about them and their place in the ocean. 

Aiden is my quick learning and is always writing down facts before I finish reading.


Eeeeek! Sharks!

Gemma is neat and organized and loves to write facts as she goes, but also stops to get the spelling of words she is unsure of. She also loves the coloring and scripture pages to color and will spend some extra time on them for fun.

Keiran definitely loves science and can recall so so many facts. He is less confident to write as he is listening to mom read, but he is absorbing it all and is fascinated. 

A growing ocean...
And Butterflies!
The Lokstet kids loved joining in on the fun of raising butterflies. Watching the caterpillars through their life cycle and then into butterflies was exciting for all. They even invited the neighbors to watch our release. All six butterflies were successful.


Socials Together and Individually

Lokstet Socials
The kids actually did most of their Social Studies individually this year but we read a reader about French immigrant brides sometimes to change it up. The kids sometimes have doodle notes to keep them occupied while they listen to mom read. This is an example of Gemma's doodle notes:
Keiran's Social Studies
Keiran has been working through Canada My Country. Here is some of his mapping:

Aiden's Social Studies
Aiden has been working through Courage and Conquest and keeping a timeline as he goes. He sometimes does some mapping as well on the globe, and some research on the computer too. Here is some of his reading, lesson, and some (very) short answers.

Gemma's Social Studies
Gemma has been adding to her project binder little by little each week and has learned many things about the Natives across Canada. Here are some facts that she learned about Eastern Woodland Hunters.

Keiran's Math & LA

Keiran is a numbers guy and this year we had to convince him he has to write down his work, even if he can just do it in his head! If only we all had that ability (mom is jealous). He is learning rounding and estimation at the moment. Since we work fluidly through math around the years, he is about half way through his math book and right on track. 

Language Arts
Keiran has finally taken off in reading this year, with the help of some new reading glasses and confidence. He is reading chapter books with mom each evening and so now can do more writing work. He is working more independently now that he loves reading all that he can. Hooray! He is easily continuing through Explode the Code, as well as working through Skill Sharpeners Spelling.

Gemma's Math & LA

Gemma is as steady as ever and enjoys the patterns she is learning in Math-U-See. She is working through her multiplication/Gamma workbook well.

Language Arts
Gemma is an amazing reader now and keeps picking up new books- I cannot keep track lately. For her morning LA work Gemma is still working mostly on spelling and increasing her vocabulary. Here are some of the word lists and spelling practice as of late....


Aiden's Math & LA

Aiden has conquered division. He had no problems with skip counting and multiplying/dividing but had a hard time remembering steps for long division so he worked hard to get through it. The last few weeks has him working on fractions and volume. He is breezing through these two concepts!

Language Arts
Aiden is very good at his English work. He works mostly independently and can easily complete his workbook tasks after reading through the lessons. He