Sunday, May 20, 2018

Socials Together and Individually

Lokstet Socials
The kids actually did most of their Social Studies individually this year but we read a reader about French immigrant brides sometimes to change it up. The kids sometimes have doodle notes to keep them occupied while they listen to mom read. This is an example of Gemma's doodle notes:
Keiran's Social Studies
Keiran has been working through Canada My Country. Here is some of his mapping:

Aiden's Social Studies
Aiden has been working through Courage and Conquest and keeping a timeline as he goes. He sometimes does some mapping as well on the globe, and some research on the computer too. Here is some of his reading, lesson, and some (very) short answers.

Gemma's Social Studies
Gemma has been adding to her project binder little by little each week and has learned many things about the Natives across Canada. Here are some facts that she learned about Eastern Woodland Hunters.

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