Saturday, May 9, 2015

Keiran Kindergarten, end of year.

Keiran's English: 
Keiran has done to lesson 39 in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 easy Lessons. He can hear the letters sounds easily, rhyme, and make sense of each picture story; answering questions about each one.

We have been reading Montessori Letters together each day to reinforce Keiran's knowledge of each letter sound and review them. He knows his alphabet and can say each sound.

An example of the inside of the book.

An example of what he can read in 100 Easy Lessons.

Keiran is working through Get Set for the Code B.

Beginning sounds.

This is Keiran's Handwriting Without Tears. His penmanship has greatly improved from the beginning of the year.

Keiran's Math:

Keiran is on lesson 9 in Math-U-See Primer.

shared school

Aiden, Gemma, and Keiran's shared learning:

The kids have now covered sharks and rays, frogs, lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles, invertebrates and insects.
Here is Aiden's pic of an octopus. 

Gemma's octopus.

Aiden's great white shark.

A new book of drawing people..... Aiden's nurse. 

Aiden's basketball player.

Gemma drew an elf.
Health and Career:
For the last while, Aiden, Gemma, and Keiran have been learning about building up others. They have been attending a new Kids Church class and have been learning character building bible verses to go along with this. Gemma has memorized a certain one The kids have also taken on a new family motto: Kind hands, Kind Mouths. It has been great to see them remind each other of this motto when someone is starting to act unkind.

Fine Arts:
Aiden, Gemma, and Keiran have also been learning new action songs at Kid's Church. They love to sing and dance at home too and often sing along to Songza.
Aiden and Gemma have started an art class at 4Cats Art Studio and are going to be learning about Marc Chagall, as well as painting an artist inspired painting.
Aiden, Gemma, and Keiran have all finished up another set of swim lessons. They are back in the great outdoors, riding bikes, climbing trees, and doing gymnastic moves off of their swing set. The latest interest is pakour.
*Because of our really hard year with sickness, all three kids will be working through curriculum late in the school year. We have had a rough go, but also some great accomplishments this year!

Gemma's progress....

Gemma's English: 

Reading puzzle blends.

End blends.

Recognizing beginning blend sounds.

Explode the Code 2.

Picture recognition.
Gemma's Math:

Gemma was so proud of finishing Math-U-See Primer.

Minus 1.

Telling time.

Gemma's Social Studies:  

Learning about symbols.

Using a map key.

wrapping up the school year- Aiden

Aiden's English: 

Weekly copywork and helping verbs. Aiden is still using Sonlight Grade 3. He is done week 20 so far his year.

Learning about different poems. Aiden wrote  quatrain and a limerick.

Aiden really wanted to learn cursive writing and has done a great job learning all his letters. He actually has neater writing than printing now.

Some brainstorming.

Aiden wrote a paragraph about his favorite place.
Aiden's Math:

Aiden is working through Math-U-See Beta. He is currently working on lesson 23.

Telling time review.

Multiple digit subtraction.

Rounding to a thousand.
Aiden's Social Studies:

Aiden is loving this year's Donna Ward, Canada;s Native Long Ago Socials curriculum (we also used her Canada program for grade one). This past bit, he has been learning about Eastern Woodland Hunters and Eastern Woodland Farmers. He has also been asking lots of questions about his Metis heritage and using Granda Brookes as a research partner.

The Eastern Woodland Hunters gathered berries in the summer.

.... The Eastern Woodland Hunters live in wigwams and move to where their food is....

Mapping the regions.